An Auditory Survey of the Last Days of the Holocene presents a radical catalogue of our created world’s sounds as a continuous multi-movement work for piano, percussion, and fixed electronics. The audience is faced with the echoes of our human-made environment, stripped bare of visual distractions, and taken on a journey of action and possibility. Composed by Frank Horvat, this work illustrates the current state of pollution and destruction by employing over 150 different audio samples indicative of the climate crisis. The musical score augments and interacts with this soundscape, using a broad range of percussion instruments and piano. An Auditory Survey of the Last Days of the Holocene was conceived as an historical record of humanity’s potential evolution from thoughtlessly destructive actions to carefully considered choices that could result in a healthy and sustainable future. This performance as part of Collines-en-Musique's 2024-2025 concert season will be the world premiere performance.